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Peace is happy!
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Tibetan medicine, a Meditation on Anger
Geert's predictions? take heed?
Compassion, Anger and Codependency, from the perspective of Tibetan Medicine.
Learning Self-Appreciation Hawaiian Style Ho'oponopono.
Creativity may require adequate iodine
Iodine in Pregnancy and Lactation; and estradiol's effect on endocannabinoids.
"Praise the fools" - Ravi Shankar
At home in the universe - Near Death Experience video
At home in oneself.
Peace is recognizing that we instinctually fear and worry. Let it go.
The attitude of gratitude
Peace is accepting Duality - Ram Dass video.
Peace is having community, and it starts with yourself.
Welcome new members!
Peace is a breath of fresh air.
Peace is feeling at home in oneself.
Peace is a child's laughter.
Peace is knowing why you are here.
Peace is not tolerating what you don't want.
Modern Life Syndrome - it's not all in our heads, but that counts too!
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