A book available open access delved into the question of whether the presence of a birthing companion would affect the amount of disrespect and abuse that women in labor received while in a hospital delivery situation.
It made a difference sadly - having a witness is needed while a woman is somewhat mentally and physically incapacitated, even without drug effects. Space limits in birthing areas is given as a reason for not allowing companions to be present during delivery, in India where the research took place. Presence of birth companion—a deterrent to disrespectful behaviours towards women during delivery: an exploratory mixed-method study in 18 public hospitals of India – ScienceOpen
Having a birthing companion may be particularly important for women who survived sexual trauma or other trauma and have PTSD. The labor and delivery process can be intense and worth it once the euphoric moment of birth occurs, but getting to that moment requires both relaxation and allowing really strong uterine muscles to do their work. Two are better than one? The impact of lay birth companions on childbirth experiences and PTSD – ScienceOpen
An older term in some areas for a birthing coach or companion is a doula. More information about doulas is available on a training site, DONA International. (dona.org/become-a-doula) *Unaffiliated.

Disclaimer: Opinions are my own and the information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.