We see what we expect to some extent. Our mind creates an idea about what is in front of us based on the pattern the light is making within our brain, but the cells are not receiving a photo like image. Individual vision brain cells may be triggered by different shapes of light that collectively may build a picture that makes sense.
So our interpretation, our belief, can affect 'what' we think we are seeing. It may not have really been what we thought - those glowing lights at night may have been car headlights in the distance, not a jungle cat about to pounce. We have instincts that also may affect how we interpret what we see - she smiled at me, she must like me! Or she was thinking about something and happened to smile while looking in your direction anyway.
Peace is a gentle acceptance that it is beautiful to see someone smiling for whatever reason, and not reacting more without further details. Our expectations can lead to disappointment. The Zen approach of open minded acceptance of what is can help in good and bad times - be present and the good time will be enjoyed fully. Sometimes we take our own joy away by worrying that something bad is going to change things - that worry just did! Be present and accept that change is right around the corner every day and accept and cope as it happens, in addition to perhaps doing daily chores that help keep you prepared to have what you need when you need it.
Art is an eye for beauty or other impressions. In art we each have our own eye for what is artistic to us. Peaceful and relaxing, or thought provoking and stimulating? Different people may want different types of art in their surroundings, or none at all, maybe a blank slate look would feel most restful. Consider what you like and experiment with borrowed artwork from a library that has that service or reuse calendar pictures individually as wall art. Paint or draw for fun or for the pin-board. Doing is living, and admiring art or a forest view is doing enjoyment of beauty.
See page G1. Art & Relaxation (effectivecare.info) for more info and ideas about doing your own art. Section 10.7 Art - food for the eyes, (effectivecare.info), has links for research about how artwork can affect our mood or stress level in positive or negative ways - is the artwork a peaceful pasture setting or an edgy modern art piece with sharp lines and vivid contrasting colors?
Do we actively enjoy things? Or does it just happen? Maybe both can occur and happy people may be actively seeing the joyful things in their day, or the beauty, or the kind smiles.
Joy is one of the everyday words in a lovely book I picked up for free at a resale shop - THE WORD IS . . . A Treasury of Inspiration Gleaned from Everyday Words. By Ralph Rhea, 1975. (1)
"THE WORD IS . . . Joy"
"To even speak of joy and being a joyous person in the face of the many heavy problems in our world may invite the criticism that one is shallow and unrealistic. The truth is that joy can be equated with a zest for living, creative thinking and acting, high goals and a hope of reaching them. This being the case, it would seem that the very best way possible to help ourselves and the world is to cultivate and express as much joy as possible!" - Ralph Rhea, THE WORD IS...(1)

Nature imagery or spending time in nature can be relaxing. Artwork that has curving lines and is more like water or of nature may be relaxing for many people, or stress reducing. Various research has found benefits from seeing nature in offices or along the drive to work or on a walk - urban settings are less relaxing even if doing healthy exercise. Green nature imagery and waterscapes in an office setting may help reduce stress in our lives without our really noticing what had seemed enjoyable.

Peace is a picnic - that you take the time to enjoy! Being present during the difficult helps make the easy times more rewarding. Digging is fun when the ground is damp and practically impossible when there has been a dry spell - give it up until after the next rainstorm.
Enjoying life can also require sensible planning and preparation in advance - dig ditches when it is damp in preparation for when it is flooded. Making it beautiful too is just a bonus for the eye of the beholder.
Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes within the guidelines of fair use. While I am a Registered Dietitian this information is not intended to provide individual health guidance. Please see a health professional for individual health care purposes.
‘‘Peace is an eye for beauty’’ gives an insight on how to search for peace is by embracing beautiful things in life. Maybe it is in a park, a painting or even a cup of coffee; finding beauty is a form of comfort and joy. In the spectrum of marketing research topics, this approach could help in analyzing the rates of consumers and the relationships that people build with brands and goods. In your opinion, how does this appreciation for beauty influence consumers’ behaviors and decisions?